Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How does your garden grow?

Well in my world it's not so great..the sun refuses to shine for more than a day or two, most of the time it's cloudy and muggy with the odd sprinkle here and there. It's a real chore to get out there and stay on top of the weeds and bugs...

I tried a new lettuce this year, Ears of the Devil, I purchased the seeds from Seeds of Victoria. The lettuce is delicious and if you can, I encourage you to try some. I planted beets next to them and as you can see the weeds also like this bed very much.

I might not like this weather but slugs are loving it...I've not had a slug problem...until this year!

My tomatoes are coming along and I'm able to harvest some broad beans, can't see a pumpkin anywhere on the vine, but lots have fallen off, I guess it's just too wet...

How is your garden growing?


2 Tramps said...

Our poor garden is so behind. And the few plants that are in and up have been attacked by either Chucky the big puppy or Peter rabbit. So Tramp 1 has been putting in more rabbit fencing and I have been fencing off areas with plantings too tender for a big dog to mess around in. It has been a bit exhausting - don't you wish you had not asked?!! Your garden looks great!

Anonymous said...

Things are doing well - especially the potatoes. Birds have taken a sudden interest in our garden and I am not pleased.

Powell River Books said...

I don't even want to think about all the slugs out on my float garden. I get to go up there for three days starting tomorrow so I guess I'll find out soon enough.