The grand kids are back in Newfoundland. The poor baby flew with teeth coming in, he was not happy and Ethan flew home with a million questions .., did you know, in his own words, that to get from Newfoundland to Powell River you take one hundred rights and two lefts...

The reception was a huge success. A special thanks to my sisters for all their help and to my wonderful brother in law, JJ who barbecued a seemingly endless amount of chicken and sausages in the hot afternoon sun. And I can't forget Dwight, another brother in law for keeping the little ones busy and out of the kitchen.

And now back to a mountain of ripening tomatoes, eggplants, jalapenos, and patty pans..
And of course wiping off little fingerprints from walls, mirrors and windows and vacuuming up crackers and cheerios from all corners of the house.
How I'll miss those little fingerprints...
Sounds like you had a great time,but it is always nice to return to "Normal" what ever that is. Tell Margy Hi for me if you see her.
You are so are going to miss those fingerprints. I sure have since our 3 went back home. It's good to see you back, you've been missed. Hugs
that JJ guy sure seems like a nice guy
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