Sunday, November 21, 2010

A miracle...

This is my granddaughter Mia, she is so cute, she is just finishing some yogurt.

This is what the doctor at Vancouver Children's Hospital pulled out of Mia's throat.

Now for the story.

About a month ago my daughter in law was quite certain that Mia swallowed her earring but sadly no one really believed her. We knew it was possible but likely improbable.

During the month Mia was very unhappy, could not sleep, could not eat solid food without gagging, coughing ... she just was not her usual self.

She went to the doctor, to the emergency, to x-ray, back to the doctor, on medications and still no change. Finally the last x-ray found the earring, in her throat, hanging close to her esophagus.

From Powell River, Mia was sent to Vancouver Children's hospital where she spent two very long days, most of the time without food, as she prepared for surgery.

There were two scenarios, the earring could be pulled out through her mouth, no cutting or, invasive surgery, cutting her throat, to get the earring out.

The miracle?

It came out easily through the mouth, left a little scratch in her throat, and that was it.

She is now home, ready to take her first steps, sleeping and happily eating yogurt and jello.

No solid food for a little's orders.


2 Tramps said...

Oh, my, what an amazing story. It is simply wonderful that she is okay.

The Hobbit said...

Happy endings are a blessing.Did mom survive?It's usually hardest on them,

Split Rock Potager said...

Thank goodness for miracles...Karen

Anonymous said...

A miracle indeed. I am glad that she is OK.

Powell River Books said...

An amazing story with a happy ending. Glad to hear she is doing so well so quick. - Margy