I have great ambitions of making my own herbal tea but reality has set in and chances of me growing enough of anything to make my own tea are slim to none and slim just left town...
So I buy my tea, whatever is on sale, I'm not fussy. This time around Lipton was on sale, their tea bags are a pyramid shape, not sure how that will make the tea taste better but that's their claim. Now I always throw my tea bags and coffee grinds into the compost but guess what, these stupid little triangular bags are made from something that looks very much like plastic netting. I could be wrong but these bags are indestructible, have any of you tried this tea?
I am so mad...but cheap...so I will use these teabags but I will never, ever buy them again.
I went to Local Locos with a friend once and they blended herbal teas from fresh products I assume were grown locally. I shouldn't complain because I didn't go there often enough, but it is sad they had to close. - Margy
I have never heard of these before, but if I ever see them, I won't buy them.
I love herbal teas. I'm surprised Lipton has gone this way. Hugs
I haven't seen this in the lipton product,but, many of the high end teas have these bags I didn't realize they didn't compost well Maybe you could re-use them for your own tea.I started my herbal tea mix using mint and orange peel chopped and dried. It just took off from there.
I don't know about Lipton in particular, but other companies' bags like that (the high end ones) are made of silk. Don't know if silk is compostable or not, but it's not plastic....
Gosh I'm not sure D&G...I have a few more teabags..I'm going to dig one into a corner of my garden, mark it, and check back a little later. Let's hope it is silk because silk will break down. Thanks.
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