On Wednesday I wrote about the heavy rain but I may not have mentioned the strong winds that went along with the rain. It flattened my Lavatera, some of the stalks were broken off but with a strong stake and string I should get it upright again.

And I bought a floating cover today and some seeds. I won a $25.00 gift certificate to a local nursery at my last garden club meeting. Those little root maggots, cabbage loppers and the like will not get the best of me..I hope.

The sun is shining today and will hopefully shine all weekend so I can spend my time in the garden. I hope the sun is shining in your part of the world.
Happy Friday everyone.
Looks very nice! I'll have to drop by and see the whole garden sometime.
That does look like a happy place.
Very pretty garden. Hope you can get rid of the bugs. Have a wonderful day.
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