I don't think I posted pictures of the veggie plants I'm growing in the green houses for some time. Mostly because I've neglected them and the weeds were taking over. All the plants in the greenhouses were started from seed, are now weeded and doing well, for the most part. Just like last year the eggplants are suffering from flea beetle infestation. I'm using Green Earth Rotenone Insect spray with some success. I hate to use anything but the greenhouse seem full of little pesky bugs. I'm really thinking about taking the large one down and just using the area as an outside veggie garden next year, hmmm!!!

And thinning out the green onions which I'll use for some salmon salad, really delicious.

It looks like your plants are comming along nicely. Salmon salad sounds good. I planted potatoes in a tub like Margy did last year and they are really growing tall I have covered them twice ,but they push right through.
It's looking good even with those pesky bugs.
You asked about the music C likes. She loves rag-time and jazz and can play it just the way it's suppose to be played. She is taking the royal conservatory of music lessons and exams. Some of the music she likes, other songs, well. She isn't into anything too slow, no matter whether it's music or anything else. Thanks for the sweet comment on her results.
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