I was tempted to go back to the supermarket milk, after all, I also want to live frugally as well as green, organic, self reliant, ect....
But as I was walking to buy my milk today, with my dog, with the birds singing, with very little traffic, the sun shining down on my shoulders, and a light breeze to keep me cool I came up with some reasons why I will continue to buy milk from the little farm just down the road from me.
- I don't have to buy a gym membership.
- I'm not producing any pollution.
- Walking keeps me healthy and less of a burden on our Canadian Health Care system.
- My dog is healthier and doesn't require as many visits to the vet.
- $2.50 does not seem like a lot but it helps to keep a local farm in business.
- No trucks, ships, or planes were used to get milk to my table.
- It keeps me sane and out of the psych ward.
Some folks have no problem with raw milk but I prefer to pasteurize my milk. It's really very easy.
Before you start make sure you sterilize your milk bottles and tops.
Heat the milk in a double boiler for 30 minutes to 63C, stir the milk to ensure the milk heats evenly.
Cool very quickly in an ice bath.
Bottle your milk in sterilized bottles.

Full details on how to pastorize your milk can be found here.
What are your reasons for eating locally?
You really are talented!
Oh how I wish we could buy raw milk. When we lived in NW Ont. years ago, we use to purchase it from a Mennonite farmer.
Many of our reasons for eating locally as much as possible are the same has yours. We eat from our garden as much as possible, then from the farmer's market and as close to home has possible. Often it's a struggle and yet so rewarding. When we can't buy locally, I try to purchase as close to the 100 mile diet as we can.
I wish we had open air markets close by. It's just not possible in our climate.
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