The chickens are all doing well, they are so funny. I've never seen a chicken run, I laugh every time..Here Art is letting them out for some free ranging..

Proof that poppies have weed like tendencies..they are growing amidst rocks at the back of the house which gets very little sun and is never watered. But so pretty.

Hi Margaret. Thanks for your response about my peppers. I think I might have overwatered them. But still, it has been really fun to see them grow even if they don't get too big. The cherry juice sounds delish with the sherbet. The color might turn out better also with cherry juice.
We can't grow turnips here either. I tried once and that was the last time.
In response to your question: HST are Half square triangles. You take two of them and sew them together to make a square. Often when quilting, you have these triangles leftover from cutting. Hope that helps.
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