My radishes are all done, they were delicious, I'm going to try to grow some more but it might be too hot.
I am feasting on lettuce with no clear end in sight. You don't know how thrilled I am to walk right by the lettuce display in my grocery store.
For lunch today I made a salad with my home grown butter nut lettuce, dried cranberries, walnuts, calamata olives and feta cheese. I drizzled a little olive oil and red wine vinegar over the salad and grilled some left over polenta. I was pretty much finished with lunch when I thought about taking a picture, next time I guess..
The top picture shows Yukon Gold potatoes, Italian green beans and parsnips, and the bottom picture shows Swiss chard, Spanish Onions, carrots, green onions, lettuce and turnips.

And look at this picture, fried egg flowers, they are so cute and if anyone in Canada wants the seeds just drop me a line, I'm glad to send them out, but I'll need a self stamped envelope.

And finally a picture of the new flower bed done on the cheap, 75% of the perennials were started from seed, 20% were bought at the end of last season for a buck and 5% were 10.00 or less. Some of the more established plants were already here when we moved.

It looks like your garden is comming along nicely. The weather the last few dsys has sure helped.
Your gardens are looking wonderful. You must be really enjoying it. Love the flower garden. Great job!!
You sure have a green thumb! Wayne called yesterday from John's cabin. He's helping with the new lumber he just bought. Wayne says my garden is doing well and he is keeping it watered. Even in my small space there is more being produced than we can eat. My lettuce will keep us eating healthy all summer. I do have to share it with the slugs, but I try to keep as many picked off as I can. I am still saving egg shells, but I've devoted those to the strawberries this season. I come home on Wednesday and will be back up the lake on Thursday. I can't wait! - Margy
Don't see any sweet potatoes. How did that turn out? - Margy
Now that I have some room the sweet potato will go in but I'm not holding my breath. The slips that should be about 20 inches long are only about 4 inches so who knows.
We plan on being on the lake this weekend, hope the weather holds and the lake water is warm...
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