The new veggie patch is coming along very nicely so now what to grow..
I was very lucky to receive several gardening books this Christmas which I'm now using to help me decide how to arrange and what to plant in my garden. If my plans work out I should have enough produce to preserve and freeze most of the harvest for use through the winter.
Last year I purchased the BAll Complete book of Home Preserving on Amazon. It has 400 recipes for making jams, sauces, pickles and salsas which I'll use to process my fruit and vegetables.
There are several vegetables I can grow 4-6 weeks before the last frost and for me that can be as early as April 1st. I'll start with leeks and peas and a few weeks after that I'll plant carrots, beets, parsnips, radishes and turnips.
Dagwood is doing much better but still not as active as he used to be. He has about 6 stitches which will have to be removed in about a weeks time.

I am so happy to hear kitty is doing better. I have the Ball book too and really use it a lot.
I'm glad Dagwood is better. When we first moved into our Pomona home (25 years ago - how time flies) we had a cat named Cessna. One of the first nights we were there he went out and got tangled up with a Coyote. Long story short, he got a collapsed lung and we had to rush him to emergency. The next day when we called to check on his condition the answer was, "Your dog, he no so good." We knew then and there he had become a Were-dog from the coyote bite. At least we could laugh a little about a serious situation. He came through fine and live many happy "indoor" years after that incident. - Margy
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