You may have read in a previous post that I was diagnosed with high cholesterol which means I have to change the way I eat. To someone who loves food the thought of eating lower fat meals might seem like a life sentence but..I’m looking forward to the challenge. I would go as far as saying the diagnosis was a blessing. When I moved here on Feb 14th, 2008, I came with high expectations, living towards sustainability. Part of that goal is living more simply, spending less, growing my own food, cooking from scratch and making as many of the things I need myself. Would you believe that for me food was the hardest thing to simplify? I could not get my head around reducing my food bill. In my fridge and pantry on any given day I would have several different types of cheese, deli meats, bacon, all sorts of breads, cookies and other baked goods, crackers, potato chips and all absolutely necessary. To be fair…I also had lots of veggies and fruit, after all I’m sure I was a rabbit in a previous life. Anyway I’ve made some huge changes in the last two weeks but I still plan on meeting with the dietician in mid Feb. I’m really looking forward to learning how I can further improve my diet.
I have not given up red meat but I don’t have it more than once a week, same with eggs and if I have cheese, a real weakness for me then I don’t have red meat. Chicken and fish make up three or four of my meals, red meat one meal and the rest are meatless. This means all my meals, breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. By cutting out and drastically reducing red meat, cheese, deli meats and all processed foods like crackers, baked and canned goods I reduced my food bill by about 50%, hard to believe.
For more information on healthy eating please read
Canada's food guide and for tips on living simply and reducing consumption please read
Down to Earth, a wonderful blog full of useful information.
For breakfast this morning I had oatmeal..simple, delicious, fast and easy to make. I love the way the brown sugar melts into the hot oatmeal and swirls around the milk.
Margaret I'm with you, it is hard to change our eating habits. You sound like you're on the right track though. Great savings in your food bill.
Do you sprinkle cinnamon on your oatmeal too? yummm - iol
Wayne and I both battle cholesterol. It's hard for us to pass up tasty foods that we know are bad for us. What we do find is that we eat much more healthy meals at the cabin. Wayne BBQs most dinners and makes a salad to go with. What makes a big difference for us is the exercise we get at the cabin. We got a sit-on kayak that is fun to use and give us good exercise at the same time. Wayne takes his fishing pole along for an extra "arm" workout. - Margy
I would really love to be able to grow my own food, too! Oh, to live in the country.
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