I was walking my dog and ran into my next door neighbour, we started chatting about this and that and she asked how my chickens were doing, "Great, great, love them but..so many eggs from only six chickens". It just happens she used to have chickens to and with only two people in her house she had the same "too many eggs" problem. Freeze them she tells me, no, really? Yup and cook them up during winter when the chickens don't lay as many eggs. Perfect for scrambled eggs, omelettes, quiche and baking.
Still not really believing it I tried freezing 4 eggs and defrosted them and ate them today, delicious, you would never know they were frozen.
Freeze your eggs in small batches which works out well for me, 4 eggs is enough to scramble or make an omelet for me and my husband. Crack them into a container, add a pinch of salt, and mix with a fork without adding too much air to your egg mixture.

Pour into a small container, leaving 1/2 inch head space or into a zip lock bag. I chose a zip lock bag because I can lay it flat. Make sure you date your egg mixture and use it with 6 months.

Defrost in the fridge overnight or run cold water over the zip lock bag and make sure you cook the defrosted eggs right away.
Breakfast this morning, frozen scrambled eggs with spring onions from the garden and a bagel.

So I best get cracking...
You know Margaret, I learn something new everyday reading blogs. I didn't know you could freeze eggs either. Now I'm off to freeze some. We always purchase in bulk from a farmer and at times don't use them up quick enough. Now I know what to do I'll freeze them. AWESOME!!
I really could not believe my neighbour and had to test it out before I freeze all my eggs. And there was no difference, none...
that is so cool> you should tell Alessia that next time, as she's always complaining about having too many eggs and gives them away. - iol
Sometimes when we have to leave town before we can eat all of our eggs, even though we buy them by the dozen. This will be a good alternative even for a small batch. - Margy
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