At Christmas and other gift giving occasions I use recycled gift bags, fabric, tea towels and baskets. Just look around, be creative, you will surprise yourself at how easy it is to stop using paper.
I found myself very short on dish cloths and with inspiration from Said the Hobbit I tried my hand at knitting my very own.

With a fourth one almost half way done.

My mom knits these up in mere minutes and with her eyes closed. I'm on my way to Vancouver and this weekend mom will show me some new patterns. I won't get them done in minutes but I'm working towards that.
I love knitted dishclothes. Once you get the hang of it, you'll be doing them in minutes too. I haven't used paper towels in years. We do use Kleenex because I have 2 with allergies and I'd never be able to keep up with hankies. Otherwise no paper products here.
Oh I am so proud of you.Great job.Don't forget you can make rugs with those old T-shirts.I still use 1 roll of paper towels a month.Cooking in a commercial kitchen makes it a crime to use rags or cloth over and over,so,I try to make up for it elsewhere.We do what we can when we can is my motto.
I am all for using less paper except for toilet paper and tissue.I remember my grandmother boiling my fathers hankerchiefs in a bucket on the stove and it was gross so i don't think I can give up tissues.
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