Over the last week I pulled all my carrots. I peeled, cut, blanched and froze one large zip lock bag. Some of the carrots were marred with the evil carrot rust fly but I harvested enough carrots to try growing them again. This time with the help float covers, hopefully this will keep the carrot rust fly away.
Sugar peas were also picked, blanched and frozen, with many more on the vine. I didn't know but peas can also be planted again in September for an early spring harvest. I'll have to keep that in mind and if there is room I'll put some down.

Now, these sorry little plants were started by my mom and transplanted into my garden upon my return from Vancouver. They are Pan de Zucchero, a lovely fall chicory that is delicious as a salad, it can also be cooked but I've never had it cooked. If all goes well I should be able to harvest in the fall. In the front of the bed I planted Radicchio seeds which will be ready to harvest from November onwards.

I started broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, a little late but hopefully these will work. I planted them in regular soil because the soiless mixture you find in the spring was nowhere to be found in Powell River. Peat pellets were also missing so fingers crossed my little seedling escape wilting when they are just small. Next year I must buy enough supplies for winter planting. If my seeds fail I'll keep my eyes open for starter plants.
And..very exciting for me as a first time potato grower, is my first potato harvest. The red potatoes are from my neighbors garden and the Yukon gold are from my garden. Guess what's for dinner tonight?

And my biggest and most important garden helper? ..Mr. Bee. I planted hollyhocks on the North side of the garden and the bees love them.

Did you know you can plant carrot seeds in the fall and they will grow in the spring? You're doing a great job on your gardens.
No I didn't, I wonder if I should have planted in Sep? Well I'll know soon enough. Thanks.
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