These are just a few of the many green beans still to come. I will freeze as much as I can for winter, but they are so good that I may not have too many.

And the first cherry tomatoes were also ready for picking tucked away in the middle of the plant. They barely made it to the kitchen for a picture.

I picked the last of the snap peas two days ago and the plants are now in the compost. Next the lettuce will be pulled. I'm mad at myself for planting more than I could finish. I gave lots of it to my neighbours but it was still too much, I'll remember that for next year. I wonder if I can put some seeds down now or if it will be to hot??? I might give it a try.
So now I have lots of room for some fall and winter veggies. I'll put down turnips, again, and beets in some of the empty spaces. I sure hope the broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts will start. I already let the seedlings dry out a little too much. It looks like the broccoli survived but I'm not sure about the rest.
And the potatoes..should I pull them all or can they sit in the ground for a little bit longer? The leaves are just starting to turn yellow. Anyone know?
What a delicious looking basket! I ate green beans from my garden too. I steamed mine. I ate green beans for a couple of weeks and then we had this heat wave for a couple of weeks and all my bean plants turned yellow and died. Maybe they were supposed to do that.
the potatoes can stay a bit longer. Why not pull a hill and see how they are. The problem with pulling them now might be storage. Here we can't pull them until late Sept. because they don't keep long if we do. Great pictures!!
Just like "Gone With the Wind" the potatoes will be fine in the ground.I planted more lettuce but have a little lean to for shade.Hope you like the salad
Good idea TH, I will plant the lettuce in some shade. I will leave my potatoes in as long as I can, and to tell the truth, I'm getting a tad tired of them, I never thought I would say that!
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